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Building Your Healthy Boundaries Course

Lesson 3 - Defining Your Inner Sanctuary

Your inner sanctuary is a personal haven located within your cranium, not just in your mind. It’s a space of peace and clarity where you can retreat from the external world and reconnect with your true self. Cultivating this inner space is essential for mental and emotional well-being, offering a refuge from stress, anxiety, and overwhelm.

Within your cranium resides your central nervous system, the powerhouse of your physical form. As you gain awareness of this vital area and energetically claim it as your own, you’ll become more attuned to the subtle energies and wisdom that flow through your entire being. We’ll be exploring this connection further in future lessons, so don’t underestimate the transformative potential of nurturing your inner sanctuary!

Grounding your inner sanctuary, that personal haven within your cranium, creates a direct connection between your central nervous system – the command center of your physical body – and the Earth’s stabilizing energy. This energetic link helps to calm the nervous system, quiet mental chatter, and reduce distractions. By anchoring your awareness in this grounded space, you’ll find it easier to focus and concentrate on the present moment, fostering mental clarity and presence. As you cultivate this practice, you’ll also become more attuned to the subtle energies and wisdom that flow through your being, leading to greater self-awareness and inner peace.

Colors carry specific vibrations that can influence our emotions and thoughts. In this meditation, you’ll explore different colors within your inner sanctuary, allowing you to release negativity and cultivate a sense of calm, clarity, or other desired qualities.