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Building Your Healthy Boundaries Course

Lesson 2 - Reclaiming Your Energy & Power

  • Unconsciously exchanging energy with others: When we interact with others, we naturally exchange energy. This can happen through conversations, physical touch, or even just being in someone’s presence. If we’re not mindful, we can absorb their emotions, thoughts, or even physical ailments, leaving their energy lingering in our personal space.
  • Holding onto past experiences or future worries: Our thoughts and emotions also carry energy. Dwelling on past events or anxiously anticipating the future can create stagnant energy within us, preventing the free flow of our own vital energy.
  • Lack of clear boundaries: If we haven’t established and maintained healthy boundaries, it’s easier for external energies to infiltrate our personal space. This can leave us feeling drained, overwhelmed, or even disconnected from our true selves.

In this meditation, you’ll reclaim your personal power through visualization and energy work. You’ll start by grounding yourself, creating a stable foundation to release foreign energies. Then, you’ll visualize a bubble, calling back your scattered energy from various places – past experiences, relationships, and even future worries. As you bring this reclaimed energy into your body and personal space, it displaces foreign energies, allowing you to feel more empowered, vital, and in control of your own life force. By repeating this practice, you’ll strengthen your energetic boundaries and cultivate a deeper connection to your authentic self.

Toxic relationships often leave us feeling drained and disempowered because our personal space and boundaries have been compromised. This meditation focuses on the crucial first steps toward healing:

  • Reclaiming your energy: You’ll learn to identify and call back your own energy that may be entangled with the toxic relationship, restoring your vitality and sense of self.
  • Reestablishing boundaries: By releasing foreign energies and reclaiming your own, you’ll create a stronger sense of personal space, making it easier to set and maintain healthy boundaries in your relationships.

While toxic relationships are complex, these foundational tools provide the initial groundwork for healing and empowerment. The following lessons in this course will build upon this foundation, offering further techniques to navigate and ultimately transform your relationship dynamics.

The key to recognizing progress is developing self-awareness. As you practice this meditation and the tools it teaches, regularly ask yourself, “What am I noticing physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually?”

Over time, you’ll begin to perceive subtle shifts within yourself and your 4 bodies. You might feel:

  • Physically: More energized, grounded, or relaxed.
  • Emotionally: More balanced, centered, or empowered.
  • Mentally: Increased clarity, focus, or a sense of calm.
  • Spiritually: A deeper connection to yourself and your intuition.

The more you practice, the more attuned you’ll become to these subtle changes.

Remember, even doubt itself is a stimulus you’re learning to recognize. This awareness is a sign of growth! Be patient with yourself and trust the process. Consistent practice is key to unlocking the full potential of these techniques and experiencing lasting transformation.

Colors are not just visual representations; they are vibrations and frequencies that exist within and around us. When energy gets stuck within us, it’s stuck at a specific vibrational level, often corresponding to a particular color.

We reclaim our energy at various colors to:

  • Own our full spectrum: By reclaiming energy across a range of colors, you’re essentially taking ownership of your entire energetic being.
  • Release blockages: Certain colors might resonate with specific emotions, thoughts, or experiences. Reclaiming your energy at those frequencies helps release any blockages or stuck patterns associated with them.
  • Increase vitality and power: Each color vibration you reclaim adds to your overall energy and power, allowing you to live more fully and authentically.

4Q Boundaries explores 30 different colors, providing you with a comprehensive toolkit for energetic self-mastery. As you practice, pay attention to your intuition and notice which colors resonate most strongly with you on any given day. This can provide valuable insights into your current energetic state and areas where you might need to focus your attention. Remember, reclaiming your energy is a journey of self-discovery. You can also explore reclaiming energy through specific themes or emotions, which we’ll delve into further in the course. By embracing these practices, you’ll cultivate greater vitality, empowerment, and self-awareness.