Owning Your Outer Sanctuary:
Mastering the Energy of Every Room You Enter


Tired of walking into rooms that zap your energy and drain your spirit? This guided meditation is your key to unlocking the hidden power of conscious awareness and transforming any space into a haven of personal peace and vibrant energy. Learn to release unwanted vibrations, clear emotional residue, and claim your rightful ownership of every room you enter. Discover how to set the energetic tone you crave, whether it’s calm focus, creative inspiration, or joyful laughter. Ready to make your world a reflection of your inner joy? Step into this meditation and start owning your outer sanctuary.

  • Listen: Begin by focusing on the training audio. It will guide you through practices for becoming more aware of your body and internal/external stimuli. You’ll also learn a specific technique for releasing negative stimuli out of your body.
  • Do: Listen to this audio as often as you like until you feel comfortable with the concepts and techniques. Remember, this step is crucial before moving on to the exercises.
  • Notice: Pay close attention to how your body feels, what thoughts or emotions arise, and how the releasing technique affects you.
  • Listen: Explore the six different color audio playlists, each containing five unique color frequencies (30 colors total).
  • Do: Listen to each playlist five times to build your comfort level using the releasing technique with various color vibrations. This repetition strengthens your ownership of the technique and improves your present-moment awareness.
  • Notice: Observe how each color frequency resonates with you, and how your ability to release negativity changes with different colors.
  • Listen: Finally, listen to the audio that combines all 30 colors. The player is randomly set, so you can’t predict the next color, further enhancing your present-moment focus.
  • Do: Immerse yourself in the experience, noticing what you notice with each color shift. Practice releasing any negative stimuli that arise.
  • Notice: Pay close attention to how your ability to be present and release negativity evolves with the unpredictable color sequence.
  • Follow the simple 3-step process for each audio: listen, notice what you notice, and repeat.
  • Be patient and allow yourself time to integrate the techniques.
  • To combat drowsiness while learning the technique, listen to an audio with your eyes open, while walking, or doing chores.
  • Trust your intuition and focus on your personal experience.

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