From Superficial to Deep: Set Emotional Boundaries

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A photo of Jessica at a cocktail party, surrounded by women focused on appearances. Jessica's forced smile and laugh mask her discomfort, but her eyes reveal a sense of unease, hinting at her desire to set emotional boundaries.

Table of Contents

Table of Contents

In Part 1 of this two-part emotional boundaries inquiry, we explored how emotional imbalance can manifest as anger.  We followed Mark’s story as he learned that by understanding the signals of his emotional body and setting healthy boundaries, he could find a path to greater balance.

While outward anger is one way imbalance surfaces, it can also present as a quieter sense of emptiness and dissatisfaction. Even with a seemingly “perfect” life, we can lack genuine connection and fulfillment.  Let’s shift our focus to Jessica’s journey as she awakens to the truth behind her seemingly charmed life. Her path to prioritizing her emotional well-being offers insights for anyone who feels constantly drained by interactions or experiences a lingering sense of emptiness.  If this resonates with you, it might be time to consider the importance of emotional boundaries.

What are Emotional Boundaries? (Shorter Version)

Emotional boundaries are about respecting our own emotional states, the emotional states of others, and being able to differentiate between the two.  They help us understand our needs, communicate effectively, and protect ourselves from internal and external forces that threaten our emotional well-being.

Jessica: The Perfect Wife, The Empty Heart

Jessica had always been the ‘it’ girl. Stunning looks, sharp mind, and a string of admirers trailing after her.  Relationships were easy – a flirtatious glance, a witty exchange, and she had her pick of potential partners.  Society’s script seemed clear:  find a good guy, get married, have kids – the picture-perfect life.

Jessica followed the plan to a tee. Marriage to a successful doctor fulfilled the expectations, and soon there were adorable children running around the house.  But a nagging emptiness clawed at her. The spark, the thrill of the chase – all gone.  Men who used to shower her with attention now seemed oblivious.

Frustration simmered beneath the surface. Jessica tried reigniting the spark with her husband, John. Flirty texts, surprise dinners – all met with polite smiles and a distracted “thanks, honey.”

The emptiness transformed into a dull ache, a yearning for something she couldn’t quite define.  She yearned for the excitement of the chase, the feeling of being desired.  But the life she’d built didn’t allow for casual flings. The thought of hurting her children or breaking up the family was unthinkable.

One night, scrolling through social media, a picture from a college reunion popped up. There, surrounded by old friends, was Matt – her first love, the one who got away. A spark ignited in her chest, a mix of nostalgia and a dangerous allure.  She sent a casual message, “Remember the good old days?” and within minutes, they were messaging back and forth, a whirlwind of reminiscing.

The late-night texts turned into phone calls, filled with laughter and a shared history.  Matt, now divorced, fueled the fantasy of a rekindled romance.  Jessica felt a dangerous thrill, a fleeting sense of being desired again.  But the conversations never delved deeper than playful banter.

Finally, Matt suggested a visit – a chance to “reconnect properly.” Jessica’s heart pounded.  Was this the escape she craved? A weekend of stolen moments, a taste of the past? But a tiny voice whispered a question she hadn’t dared to ask herself: was this real connection, or just a desperate attempt to fill the void within?

A Moment For Reflection

  • The Importance of  Authenticity: Think back to Jessica’s life. In what ways do you see her prioritizing appearance or external validation over her own true emotions? Have you ever experienced something similar?
  • Finding Deeper Connection: Jessica reconnected with her old friends only to find the relationship lacking depth. What does genuine connection look and feel like to you? How can we identify those connections worth nurturing in our own lives?
  • Setting Boundaries for Self-Discovery:  Jessica began her journey by exploring new interests and limiting time spent on harmful comparisons. What are some small boundaries you could set to encourage your own self-exploration and protect your emotional well-being?

Jessica embraces a fresh start on a peaceful beach. The faded image of her past suggests that she's learning to set emotional boundaries allowing for a deeper connection with her authentic self.

Restoring Homeostasis with Emotional Boundaries​

Understanding the root cause of Jessica’s unhappiness, the lack of emotional connection, is the key to helping her restore balance.  Healthy emotional boundaries can play a pivotal role in this process.  Let’s see how setting boundaries could change the course of Jessica’s story.

Redefining Happiness: How Boundaries Can Help Jessica

Jessica’s finger hovered over the old photos. Matt’s messages felt empty now, a desperate attempt to recapture a past that never truly existed.  A gnawing emptiness had replaced the fleeting thrill of the chase.  But the gnawing emptiness remained, and the question lingered: was chasing external validation truly the answer? In her loneliness, a memory flickered, a carefree night with her best girls from college. Despite the emptiness, a familiar longing stirred – a desperate wish for the carefree connection she remembered from her college days. A wave of nostalgia washed over her. Excitedly, Jessica reached out to them, arranging a virtual reunion.

The familiar laughter and shared memories were a soothing balm at first. But beneath the easy banter, an unsettling realization took hold. They were still caught up in the same petty dramas, the same shallow obsessions. The old connection was there, yes, but it lacked depth, a fleeting echo of her own emptiness.  

A backhanded compliment about her recent promotion triggered a familiar pang of hurt. Her congratulatory smile felt forced, and she couldn’t shake the bitter feeling of resentment. The conversation drifted to comparing designer bags, a topic she usually enjoyed, but now it felt hollow. That’s when she realized – even among familiar faces,  the lack of boundaries with herself and others was leaving her feeling depleted.

That realization hit her with unexpected force. Was she destined to become one of them – women obsessed with outward appearances at the expense of meaningful connection? The emptiness that she’d kept at bay with endless distractions seemed unbearable now.

A glimmer of hope emerged.  Could setting emotional boundaries be the key to breaking this cycle of dissatisfaction? It was about prioritizing her own needs and well-being, a necessary step to creating a more fulfilling life guided by her authentic self. With newfound resolve, she began by limiting time scrolling through feeds promoting unrealistic lifestyles and communicating her needs for deeper conversations to certain friends. She also started protecting her time and energy by becoming more aware of situations that left her feeling drained or unfulfilled. Journaling helped her recognize how comparisons fueled these negative feelings, motivating her to take a step forward.

Tentatively, Jessica began to explore other possibilities. She joined a book club focused on personal growth, seeking out women with different perspectives.  The journaling had also brought back memories of a former friend, someone whose kindness and authenticity had always stood out. She reached out, hoping to rekindle that connection.

Redefining happiness wasn’t about abandoning her life. It was about setting boundaries – limiting toxic comparisons, protecting her time and energy for authentic connections, and exploring passions that fed her soul rather than just her ego. The journey wouldn’t be easy. But Jessica had taken the first, hardest step – acknowledging the need for change and a desire to live a life with greater purpose and depth.

Jessica embraces a fresh start on a peaceful beach. The faded image of her past suggests that she's learning to set emotional boundaries allowing for a deeper connection with her authentic self.

Restoring Homeostasis with Emotional Boundaries​

Understanding the root cause of Jessica’s unhappiness, the lack of emotional connection, is the key to helping her restore balance.  Healthy emotional boundaries can play a pivotal role in this process.  Let’s see how setting boundaries could change the course of Jessica’s story.

Redefining Happiness: How Boundaries Can Help Jessica

Jessica’s finger hovered over the old photos. Matt’s messages felt empty now, a desperate attempt to recapture a past that never truly existed.  A gnawing emptiness had replaced the fleeting thrill of the chase.  But the gnawing emptiness remained, and the question lingered: was chasing external validation truly the answer? In her loneliness, a memory flickered, a carefree night with her best girls from college. Despite the emptiness, a familiar longing stirred – a desperate wish for the carefree connection she remembered from her college days. A wave of nostalgia washed over her. Excitedly, Jessica reached out to them, arranging a virtual reunion.

The familiar laughter and shared memories were a soothing balm at first. But beneath the easy banter, an unsettling realization took hold. They were still caught up in the same petty dramas, the same shallow obsessions. The old connection was there, yes, but it lacked depth, a fleeting echo of her own emptiness.  

A backhanded compliment about her recent promotion triggered a familiar pang of hurt. Her congratulatory smile felt forced, and she couldn’t shake the bitter feeling of resentment. The conversation drifted to comparing designer bags, a topic she usually enjoyed, but now it felt hollow. That’s when she realized – even among familiar faces,  the lack of boundaries with herself and others was leaving her feeling depleted.

That realization hit her with unexpected force. Was she destined to become one of them – women obsessed with outward appearances at the expense of meaningful connection? The emptiness that she’d kept at bay with endless distractions seemed unbearable now.

A glimmer of hope emerged.  Could setting emotional boundaries be the key to breaking this cycle of dissatisfaction? It was about prioritizing her own needs and well-being, a necessary step to creating a more fulfilling life guided by her authentic self. With newfound resolve, she began by limiting time scrolling through feeds promoting unrealistic lifestyles and communicating her needs for deeper conversations to certain friends. She also started protecting her time and energy by becoming more aware of situations that left her feeling drained or unfulfilled. Journaling helped her recognize how comparisons fueled these negative feelings, motivating her to take a step forward.

Tentatively, Jessica began to explore other possibilities. She joined a book club focused on personal growth, seeking out women with different perspectives.  The journaling had also brought back memories of a former friend, someone whose kindness and authenticity had always stood out. She reached out, hoping to rekindle that connection.

Redefining happiness wasn’t about abandoning her life. It was about setting boundaries – limiting toxic comparisons, protecting her time and energy for authentic connections, and exploring passions that fed her soul rather than just her ego. The journey wouldn’t be easy. But Jessica had taken the first, hardest step – acknowledging the need for change and a desire to live a life with greater purpose and depth.

A Moment For Reflection

  • The Importance of  Authenticity: Think back to Jessica’s life. In what ways do you see her prioritizing appearance or external validation over her own true emotions? Have you ever experienced something similar?
  • Finding Deeper Connection: Jessica reconnected with her old friends only to find the relationship lacking depth. What does genuine connection look and feel like to you? How can we identify those connections worth nurturing in our own lives?
  • Setting Boundaries for Self-Discovery:  Jessica began her journey by exploring new interests and limiting time spent on harmful comparisons. What are some small boundaries you could set to encourage your own self-exploration and protect your emotional well-being?


Like Jessica, we may wear masks of perfection to the outside world, hiding our deepest needs. Yet, true happiness comes from looking inward, questioning societal expectations, and prioritizing genuine connection. It’s through self-examination and prioritizing genuine connection that we can redefine happiness on our own terms.

Have you resonated with either Mark’s or Jessica’s stories? Stay tuned for our upcoming segment on mental boundaries one of the keys to restore your emotional balance!

By moving from superficial to deep and setting emotional boundaries, we create the space for genuine connection and lasting fulfillment. Remember, your journey to emotional well-being is ongoing.

FAQ: Seek Authenticity and Set Emotional Boundaries

How can I start setting boundaries in a way that teaches others how to respect my needs, like Jessica did?

Setting emotional boundaries is about honoring your needs and limits. When you communicate those clearly, you’re teaching others how to treat you with respect, both within yourself and in your relationships.

I’m constantly seeking external validation like Jessica.  How can I break free from this?

Recognizing that external validation won’t fill an internal void is the first step. Start by journaling or talking to a trusted friend about the deeper needs you’re hoping external approval will meet.  Practice mindfulness to tune into your own emotions and build a stronger sense of self-worth.  Focus on experiences that bring intrinsic joy, not just outward approval.

I feel stuck in shallow friendships, similar to Jessica’s experience. How do I create deeper connections?

Vulnerability is key to deepening existing or forming new connections.  Take a small risk – share something personal, ask a thought-provoking question, or invite someone you normally wouldn’t into a deeper conversation.  Be willing to listen without judgment.  Seek out groups or activities where you’re more likely to connect with people who share your values.

I’m afraid to step outside of what’s expected of me, even if it makes me unhappy.  How can I build the courage to be more authentic?

Living inauthentically is exhausting! Remind yourself that your happiness is worth prioritizing. Start with small acts of self-expression –  wear something that truly reflects your style, choose an activity based on your own interests.  Therapy can offer a safe space to unpack fears of societal disapproval and find ways to embrace your genuine self.

Is it possible to find true happiness within a seemingly ‘perfect’ life, or does everything need to change?

True happiness comes from aligning your life with your values and needs. Sometimes that involves external changes, but often it starts with internal shifts.   Question the “shoulds” that drive your choices. Explore activities that ignite passion and curiosity.  Set boundaries with people or situations that stifle your authentic self.

Additional Resources & Support

Therapy or Counseling:

  • Psychology Today: Therapist Directory: Searchable database to find therapists specializing in women’s issues, self-esteem, or helping individuals break free from societal expectations.
  • Good Therapy Offers resources on understanding therapy, finding the right therapist, and various mental health topics.
  • CranioSacral Therapy: Works with the body’s nervous system to release stress and trauma, enhancing emotional regulation capabilities. Find a practitioner at the Upledger Institute or learn more about Michael Spackman’s private practice (

Books and Resources on Boundaries:

  • The Six Pillars of Self-Esteem by Nathaniel Branden: A classic work delving into the foundational components of healthy self-esteem and how to build it.
  • Untamed by Glennon Doyle: A powerful memoir about shedding societal expectations, embracing authenticity, and the transformative power of listening to your inner voice.
  • Hold Me Tight: Seven Conversations for a Lifetime of Love by Sue Johnson: While focused on couples, this book explores how attachment styles and the need for validation shape our relationships, offering insights relevant for individual work as well.

Resources on Authenticity and Finding Connection:

  • The Gifts of Imperfection by Brené Brown. Challenges the myth of perfection, offering a path to greater self-compassion, authenticity, and finding joy in simply being yourself.
  • Daring Greatly by Brené Brown Embracing vulnerability can unlock courage, strengthen connections, and allow you to live a more fulfilling, wholehearted life.
  • Find resources, tools, and a supportive community to help you heal from the effects of codependency and create more balanced, fulfilling relationships.
  • Find a group that shares your hobbies, passions, or life stage, allowing you to connect with like-minded people and create meaningful friendships.

Support Groups for Woman’s Issues

  • S.H.E. Society Offers professional development and leadership training for women, empowering them to achieve their career goals.
  • The Gottman Institute While known for couples therapy, The Gottman Institute offers online support groups for women focused on building resilience and emotional intelligence.

Call to Action:

Learning to set emotional boundaries is a crucial skill for stepping out of the superficial and into deep, fulfilling connections.

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